High Yield Investment Program, also known as HYIP, is a type of investment program that yields high interest rates ranging from 5% to as much as 250% per month making it the top investment program. HYIPs accept investments that are as small as $10 and claims that they can provide high interest rates.
How do HIYPs work?
All transactions of HYIPs are done over the internet.
HYIPs utilize a lot of strategizing in order to yield the high interest rates that were promised to the investors. The money is placed on various investments such as capital management, metal trading, sport exchange, sport betting and forex trading. The irony of it is that some HYIPs also place an investment on other HYIPs.
HYIPs use E-gold in their transactions because it offers the most convenient payment system. E-gold suits best HYIPs because it has a feature that allows easy withdrawal of money making it a good option for completing online transactions. Moreover, E-gold is accepted all over the globe. Another factor that addresses the need of HYIP investors.
What is a HYIP scam?
It follows normal logic that you need to invest your money somewhere for it to earn interest. If you just keep your money, then it wouldn’t earn any interest. This is the simple idea behind every HYIP scam. HYIP scams will usually never place the money that they get from investors to investments so it will earn interest.
What are the risks of HYIP?
High yield programs usually involve high risks. HYIPs are not exemptions.
Most HYIPs are short-lived and are just Ponzi schemes.
Ponzi schems refer to HYIP scams. HYIPs that are short-lived are scams or Ponzi schemes. These schemes appear very attractive because of the promise for high interests.
Ponzi schemes do not have revenues because the money collected from investors were not really investments. As mentioned earlier, money not invested will not earn revenue. Investors were paid by money collected from another group of investors who placed their money to generate interest. The lifespan of every Ponzi will deppend on how long the HYIP is able to recruit new investors. The moment new membership stops, the Ponzi dies.
What’s the conclusion?
HYIP can prove to be profitable; however, be very careful if you're interested in this type of investing opportunity. On one end, it can prove to be very lucrative. On the other end, it can lead to big losses.
If you are really serious in being involved in a HYIP, make sure you do your homework well. Conduct a thorough research about the company you are getting involved in. Find out the operations of a HYIP and how your investment will get the promised interest rate so you will not be sorry.
Do you get in intimated when you hear people talking about their investments? Do you feel that it's too risky to put your hard earned money into an investment?
It is a normal reaction to feel intimated or to think about investment especially nowadays when we are experiencing the financial crunch. Who would want to put their hard earned money to waste?
Investment is a word that we often hear people talk about.
Most people are kept from making an investment due to either misinformation, or information overload. There are many investment options out there. Some are high risk but high paying as well, but some have low risk but also offer a low payout. Some will allow participation of small players but some are strictly for the big investors. Investing should not be as daunting as many people think. This is not an arena that is strictly for those who are in the
financial services, but for everyone who is interested and has the means to invest.
The Basics of Investment
Here are some basic things that anyone who is interested in investing should know:
1. The Funds
You should ask yourself where you will be getting the money to finance your investment.
The money that you will put in the investment do not need to be too big. There are investments that are as low as $500. You may even be able to find investments that accept lower than
$500. Supposing that you were not able to raise the $500 initial investment, you can still look for investments that offer installment plans that you can payoff monthly.
If you are working, you may get the funding from the salary that you earn from your work such as your bonus, or from the money gained from your income tax refund.
2. The Goals
Before plunging into an investment, you should identify your goals. Ask yourself whether you are looking for a long-term investment or a short-term one. The length of time that you allot for the investment will greatly impact the type of investment that you will get into. For instance, if you are looking for short-term investments, it may not be
advisable to engage in stock or mutual funds because most of these investments require you to invest for five years or more.
3. Risk Tolerance
Ask yourself how much risk can you tolerate or sustain. If you are somebody who is not comfortable with risks and with losing some of your money, do not go for investments in the volatile markets where there are constant losses and gains.
4. Where to out your investment
This is the most basic question that you should be able to answer after looking at the amount of your funds, you goals and the risk that you can take. A usual advice given by experts in the field is to spread your money on different investments. By having different investments, you are lowering the risk of losing all your money and increasing
the rate of return.
5. Do your research
Investing doesn’t just mean putting in your money. Once you have decided where to invest, do a thorough research on that investment facility to see if it is stable, and then check the integrity of that system
Strategies are needed in order to yield a consistent return on investment in any investment facility. In a High Yield Investment Program (HYIP), investors should constantly strategize to ensure a consistent rate of return despite HYIP being an easy form of investment.
Here are four strategies that can be used:
1. Research
Like in any investment venture, research is always the key before investing your money in any HYIP to check which programs offers the highest yield and which programs are the most stable.
Research about HYIP can be easily done in Google. You can visit the sites of your target HYIPs to know the operations of the programs.
You can also visit forums and to get more realistic reviews of the program plus you can ask questions to other fellow investors. Forums offer a rich avenue where you can find people who have the same forms of investment. Be sure to visit professional and trusted forums. Moreover, don't believe everything that other people say in the forum, as most of those people will post for the sake of advertising the links to their sites.
Another source of information is monitoring sites. However, you should remember that monitoring sites get good treatment from HYIP admins for them to give good reviews about the HYIP. Therefore, you shouldn’t believe everything that you read in a monitoring site. It is best to look at multiple monitoring sites when choosing the right program.
2. Diversification
Diversification means that you’ll be spreading your money in various programs to manage the
risks involved since HYIP are known to have high risks. This is an effective strategy in HYIPs.
Putting all your money in one program poses a high risk.
3. Test the HYIP
Before making a big investment in a new HYIP, you should go first for a series of test spends to ensure that the programs really pay out. As we are already aware, HYIPs are risky so consider testing the waters before plunging completely. If the test spends proved to be successful and continue. Note there are some experiences from HYIPs wherein the program pays for small investments but do not pay the moment to make a big investment.
4. Original Spend Back and Withdrawals
As the HYIPs are unpredictable and you never when they will collapse or cease their
operations, it is wise to get your original spend immediately and make withdraw your money
regularly. Do not leave all your money in the program. The recommended portion for
withdrawal should be 50% of the profit. The other 50% should be invested again.